Welcome To Coolstation Fusilli
This is the development and test server for Coolstation SS13. Currently, it is the only server for Coolstation SS13.
- If you are unfamiliar with Space Station 13, Wikipedia has some more info.
- If you'd like to connect to this server and play: Click Here to direct BYOND's pager to connect to our server.
- If you don't have BYOND installed, Click Here to get it installed.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: We are using the stable/standard BYOND.
- Many other servers (particularly /tg/-codebase) are on BYOND Beta, we (and Goonstation, the codebase we forked from) are not.
- If you get a white screen and can't play, that might be your problem. We can help in Discord with any other issues!
This is a very basic page, and that's on purpose. It's static and will not be updated very often at all.
If you want something more, check out our other resources:
Playtests Generally Take Place Every Saturday at 6 PM EST + Sunday at 2 PM EST!

Thank You For Loving Pupkin